Abasebenzi Abayizwa Eyokudayiswa Kwesikhungo Semikhumbi SaseThekwini
Written by Mfundo on 15 April, 2021
By: Lindelani Mbatha
Inyunyana yabasebenzi bezokuthutha iSouth African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU) ithi ikhathazekile ukuthi uhulumeni uhlela ukuthengisa isikhungo semikhumbi iTransnet Durban Port, esizinze eThekwini.
Lenyunyana ibiqhuba imibhikisho ngaphandle kwalapho abaphathi balesisikhungo behlangene khona nomengameli uCyril Ramaphosa.
uRamaphosa, uNgqongqoshe wezokuthutha, uFikile Mbalula kanye noNgqongqoshe obhekelele amabhizinisi kahulumeni uPravin Gordhan, bahambele kulesisifundazwe ukuzohlola ukusebenza kwalesisikhungo.
Unobhalala jikelele walenyunyana, uJack Mazibuko, uthi angeke bakuvumele ukuthi zonke izikhungo nezinkampani zikahulumeni zinikezwe izinkampani ezizimele.
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Khonamanajalo oyisikhulu esiphezulu eTransnet Durban Port uMoshe Motlohi uthi abanazo izinhlelo zokudayisa lesisikhungo.
Uthi abakwenzayo ukuhlela kabusha lenkampani ukuze izokwandisa amathuba emisebenzi.
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President @CyrilRamaphosa receives briefing from the senior management of Transnet on the Port of Durban Masterplan and efforts to improve the performance of the port. The Port of Durban plays an important role as a logistics hub for South Africa & the continent. #GrowSouthAfrica pic.twitter.com/AFxltjqp8S
— The Presidency 🇿🇦 (@PresidencyZA) April 15, 2021