Education is a powerful tool in the fight against GBV. By raising awareness, we can shatter the myths and stereotypes that perpetuate violence. From schools to workplaces, communities to governments, it’s time for everyone to stand up against GBV and work together to build a safer future. To learn more, get involved, or seek help, […]

Yesterday marked a momentous occasion as we successfully under our Geleza Ne Gagasi #AdoptASchool initiative, partnered with the Hollywood Foundation to deliver a much-needed facility upgrade to Nhlanhleni Primary School in Howick. The joint effort aimed to address the inadequate sanitation facilities at the school, ensuring a healthier and more dignified learning environment for the […]
Today, we drove to Empangeni at Empangeni Library in the City of uMhlathuze, to be a helping hand to some of the families within the city, who were drastically affected by the tragic hail storms that hit the community on Monday. In these challenging times, many of the people from the Mhlathuze residence are struggling […]
As part of our initiative #GagasiCaresForKzn and birthday month, we drove to Ndwedwe at Sibonelo Creche, to distribute food parcels to the children and families of the neighborhood. This initiative is part of the station’s ongoing efforts to support local communities during challenging times. Sibonelo Creche is a vital institution in the Ndwedwe community, providing […]
Miss Bongeka Mkhize is the Head of Grade 7 at the school and she wrote to Gagasi FM and nominated the school for Adopt A School 2023. The school toilets are not in a good condition and they are dangerous to the learners. Educators and learners are sharing 8 toilets with 556 learners and 15x […]
The GagasiFMCareForKZN crew continued with the work of giving back to communities affected by the KZN floods in Clermont Durban on the 19th of May 2022. Our first stop was Clermont Community Centre and eMhlabunzima Community Hall. We then headed out to eMolweni at Dinabakubo Community Hall. Communities in these areas have found refuge in […]
GAGASI FM CARES FOR KZN Gagasi FM Care for KZN is on a mission to help the KZN community Post the KZN Floods. Our goal is to help as families as possible and alleviate human suffering caused by the KZN Floods through donations in the monetary value and food parcels. We urge you to help […]