GCIS Get Vaccinated Now

Written by on 18 November, 2021

Why Should I get Vaccinated?

  1. The COVID-19 vaccination will help to keep you from getting COVID-19

All COVID-19 vaccines currently available have been shown to be safe and effective at preventing COVID-19. Based on what we know about vaccines for other diseases and early data from clinical trials, experts believe that getting a COVID-19 vaccine also reduces your risk of serious COVID-19 infection if you do contract COVID-19. Getting vaccinated may also protect your loved ones and those around you, particularly people at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

  1. Once you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing more

Once you are fully vaccinated for COVID-19, you may be able to start doing some of the activities that you stopped doing due to the pandemic. For example, you can spend time with larger groups of friends, family and loved ones who are fully vaccinated.

  1. COVID-19 vaccination is a safer way to help build protection

COVID-19 can have serious, life-threatening complications, and there is no way to know how COVID-19 will affect you. If you do get sick, you could potentially spread the disease to friends, family, and others around you without knowing. COVID-19 vaccination will help to strengthen your immune system and create a protective antibody response without you having to become ill with COVID-19.

  1. COVID-19 vaccination will be an important tool to help stop the pandemic

Stopping a global pandemic such as the COVID-19 outbreak requires using all the tools we have available.
You must continue to practise basic preventive measures, such as wearing a mask, avoiding large gatherings and crowded places, and washing your hands regularly. Play your part by having the COVID-19 vaccination and help our country to reach population immunity to protect your loved ones and those who are vulnerable and at-risk for severe COVID-19 infection.

  1. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective

All COVID-19 vaccines currently available have been shown to be safe and effective at preventing COVID-19. While more COVID-19 vaccines are being developed as quickly as possible, routine processes and procedures remain in place to ensure the safety of any vaccine authorised for use. Safety is a top priority, and there are many reasons to get vaccinated. None of the COVID-19 vaccines can make you sick with COVID-19.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Protection. Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine. Updated Apr. 12, 2021

For more information visit https://www.gov.za/covid-19/vaccine/vaccine

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