I-IFP Ithi Izofungisa amaKhansela Phambi Kwemiphakathi

Written by on 1 October, 2021

By: Mthokozisi Manqele

UMengameli we IFP uVelenkosini Hlabisa usedalule ukuthi onke amakhansela abo azongenela ukhetho, azofunga bukhoma emphakathini, azibophezele kwelokuthi azosebenzela umphakathi ngobuqotho.

U-Hlabisa usho kanje EThekwini ngesikhathi leli qembu lethula usomqulu walo wezethembiso zokhetho, ngoLwesine ntambama.

Izwe kulindeleke liye okhethweni ngomhlaka 1 November ukuyokhetha amakhansela nabaholi bemikhandlu ngokusethethweni.

Uthi iNkatha izimisele ukusebenza ithuthukise imiphakathi ngaphandle kokwenzelela.

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Khonamanjalo amalungu e-IFP abethamele le nkulumo eJozini enyakatho yeKZN aphawule kanje.

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Khonamanjalo, ongumsunguli waleliqembu, uMangosuthu Buthelezi, uthi ukhathazekile ukuthi iqembu elibusayo libonakala licekelaphansi iNingizimu Africa.

U-Buthelezi ubekhulma naye ngesikhathi iNkatha yethula usomqulu wayo wezethembiso zokhetho.

Uthi indlela inkohlakalo esikhule ngayo ezweni ilahlisa ithemba.

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