INkatha Iyise Olwase Mtuba Enkantolo

Written by on 30 November, 2021

By: Mthokozisi Manqele

INkantolo ePhakeme yaseMgungundlovu kulindeleke ikhiphe isinqumo kusasa ngesikhalazo se-IFP sokugcotshwa kwamalungu esigungu esiphezulu kumasipala waseMtuba, enyakatho yeKZN.

Lesi sinqumo sesibe nomthelela kwimiphumela yokuwina kwe ANC umasipala waseMkhanyakude.

I-IFP ithi lowa masipala wagcotshwa kungalandelwangwa imithetho.

Ngesikhathi lowa masipala ugcotshwa, i-IFP ne EFF bashiya umhlangano, kwase kuthi izihlalo zabayomela amaqembu eMkhanyakude zathathwa yi-ANC yabe isivaleleka ngaphandle i-IFP.

Mthokozisi Manqele uyabika.

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