Izaguga Zithenjiswa Umhlomulo Mazizogoma

Written by on 8 November, 2021

By: Lindelani Mbatha

Deputy Health Minister Sbongiseni Dhlomo says government will give a R100 grocery voucher to any person over the age of 60 who is willing to get their first Covid-19 vaccine this month.

Dhlomo has been addressing media in Johannesburg.

This is the latest attempt by the government to lure South Africans to get vaccinated as the country heads into the festive season.

The voucher will be sent via SMS to the cell number used to register for vaccination and is redeemable in some stores across the country.

South Africa has recorded a 1.1% positivity rate for new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours.

Dhlomo elaborates,

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