Mdletshe Pays Tribute to VZ

Written by on 11 September, 2021

By: Lindelani Mbatha

National Freedom Party (NFP) General Secretary Cannan Mdletshe says the late party’s president Zanele KaMagwaza-Msibi worked hard to fight poverty in KZN, especially under Zululand district municipality.

KaMagwaza-Msibi passed away following a cardiac arrest at the age of 59 earlier this week, and is being laid to rest at ULundi, north of the province.

She has been unwell since 2014 after suffering a major stroke, which severely affected her speech and mobility.

KaMagwaza Msibi was Zululand District Municipality mayor for more than 15 years and also Science & Technology Deputy Minister under President Jacob Zuma’s administration in 2014.

Mdletshe says they will make sure the NFP does not disappear.

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