Pandor Concerned Over Media Bias on Russia-Ukraine War
Written by Mfundo on 7 April, 2022
By: Lindelani Mbatha
International Relations and Cooperation Minister Naledi Pandor says South Africa continues to be a country in transition towards the ideals supported in the constitution and to strive to implement its international mandate.
Pandor has been addressing the 2022 Heads of Mission Conference, which is a platform for strategic discussion among South Africa’s internationally deployed senior diplomats.
This year’s conference is held under the theme, Positioning South Africa’s diplomacy globally to advance domestic priorities in a post-COVID-19 era.
Regarding the Russia-Ukraine War, Pandor says they are concerned about the stance taken by some media houses, saying that they have knowingly or unknowingly, taken the side of the powerful states.
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Meanwhile, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly is today expected to vote on whether to suspend Russia from the UN human rights council.
The move was initiated by the US in response to the discovery of bodies of civilians, after Russian troops withdrew from towns near the Ukrainian capital Kiev.
US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, says they believe the members of the Russian forces committed war crimes in Ukraine and Moscow needs to be held accountable