SANDF Helicopters to Watch Beitbridge Border
Written by Mfundo on 4 January, 2021
Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has announced that the South African National Defence Force will be deploying helicopters to watch the Beitbridge border and Limpopo River.
This follows government’s implementation of strict measures to stop people entering the country illegally at land port of entries.
Motsoaledi says people who are trying to enter South Africa with fraudulent documents or falsified COVID-19 certificates are undermining the laws of the country.
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The Department of Home Affairs will deploy an additional 160 officials at six busiest land ports of entry to process returning travellers until the 14 January 2021.
These ports include the Beitbridge Border Post with Zimbabwe, Lebombo Border Post with Mozambique, Oshoek Border Post with Kingdom of Eswatini, Maseru Bridge with Lesotho, Ficksburg with Lesotho and Kopfontein with Botswana.