#Senzani – What Can We Do?
Written by Uno on 10 September, 2019
South Africa is becoming an increasingly unsafe place for women and children to live in. Horrendous stories of children and women going missing make the rounds on social media daily. South African women are tired #Sesikhathele of the killings, rapes and abuse. The question is, what are men doing to stop it all? #Senzani
We have asked Gagasi FM men to get together and discuss; where it all went wrong and what needs to be done to stop the killing and abuse of women and children, but they cannot come up with the solutions alone. We need your help, as our listeners to come up with the solutions. Leave a comment below the video and let’s share your views with the rest of South Africa.
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Important Support Contacts
LifeLine Durban
Office Phone : 031 303 1344
Crisis Phone : 031 312 2323
Fax : 031 303 1419
E-mail : director@lifelinedurban.org.za
Grace Counselling
63 Anthony Road, Riverside, Durban North, 4051
Telephone +27 31 003 1830
Email counselling@grace.org.za
Counselling Director – Deb Mun-Gavin deb@grace.org.za
Counselling Administrator – Lu Harman counselling@grace.org.za
R102 Compensation, Ballito, Dolphin Coast
Telephone +27 63 528 5129
Email ballitocounselling@grace.org.za
Counselling Co-Ordinator – Gina Hamlyn ballitocounselling@grace.org.za
Website www.gracecounselling.org.za
South African Depression And Anxiety Group
For counselling queries e-mail: zane@sadag.org
To contact a counsellor between 8am-8pm Monday to Sunday,
Call: 011 234 4837 / Fax number: 011 234 8182
For a suicidal Emergency contact us on 0800 567 567
24hr Helpline 0800 456 789