Shero Awards 2019

Written by on 19 July, 2019

The time has come once again to nominate a phenomenal woman in your life. The Gagasi FM 2019 Shero Awards, in association with the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry, have returned to once again honour the women moving KZN forward!

To nominate a mover and shaker you know please read the categories below then complete the submission form at the bottom of the page to submit your entry.

Creative Arts (fine art, poetry, literature, fashion, architecture)

This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in the field of the creative arts. The winner will have produced new creative work in 2017 – 2019, demonstrated innovation in their art form and raised the profile of women’s contributions in their field. Their work should demonstrate tangible reach to a broad audience or market primarily within the KZN province borders but also nationally and internationally.

Entertainment and music

This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in the field of entertainment and music. The winner will be a singer, dancer, DJ, songwriter, producer or choreographer who boasts some if not all of the following attributes: overall vocal ability, songwriting and/ or production capacity, media presence (Internet/Print/Radio/Social Networking), prolific live or video performance, stage presence and a work ethic to rival the best in the country.


This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in the field of sport. This award recognises an individual sport athlete and team sport athlete whose performances over the past 12-month time span have been exceptional. This will be a female athlete who exhibits extraordinary courage and exceptional achievement in her athletic performance, demonstrates the ability to overcome challenges, makes significant contributions to sports and serves as an inspiration and role model to those who themselves strive to represent and bring honour to the KZN province.

Science and Technology

This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in the fields of science and technology. Researchers, engineers and educators are eligible. The award recognizes high quality scientific and technological achievement, as well as contributions to science and technology in the form of research done and papers published. To be eligible, nominees’ research must be published in a peer-reviewed journal, initiate or revise a scientific principle or procedure, and be recognized as a major achievement within its field of study. In the case of projects, innovation and excellence of execution will be the core criteria considered.

Big Business Professional (legal, medicine, finance, administration, HR, marketing etc)

This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in corporate endeavours. While women may follow very different paths to climb the corporate ladder, the common characteristics of nominees in this category will be delivering real and measurable business impact, tackling business problems and obstacles with determination and creativity, applying innovative thinking to push boundaries and find new and better ways to do things in their organisations including mentoring and inspiring others striving for success.

Enterprise (small business)

This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in the small business or enterprise sector.  A nominee in this category will typically be a very imaginative and courageous visionary utilising their business acumen to bring new products or services to market and creating employment opportunities for others in the process. The characteristics of a classic nominee will be a high level of self-belief to rise above the challenges of entrepreneurship and reach her goals, consistently demonstrated exceptional and progressive leadership of her team (no matter how small), sound financial management and acumen and a commitment to growing people.

Social Entrepreneurship

This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in social entrepreneurship. This entrepreneur will use her business acumen and leverage her networks and expertise to tackle pressing social and environmental challenges faced by KZN communities. Her project will be innovative in its problem solving approach and sustainable in its outlook and business model design. It will also utilize business methods and practices to generate impact, regardless of whether it is for-profit or non-profit.


This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in education. It will recognize and celebrate excellence in education delivery, be it pedagogic or administrative. The spotlight will shine on exceptional teachers, lecturers, head-teachers and teaching assistants who help students aim high and achieve their potential, often meeting and overcoming considerable challenges along the way.

Public Service

This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in public service. It aims to recognize and honour those women in public service who put service to others at the heart of their work. A typical nominee in this category will be at the helm of an organization or department of any size (from a huge civil service department to a small district council). Focus is on highlighting progress and innovation in every different area of public service. Judges will be looking for clear evidence of teamwork, commitment that goes above and beyond the day job, and demonstrable impact.

Community Leadership

This award aims to shine a spotlight on KZN women’s excellence, talent, ability and direct impact on the province of KZN in 2019 in community leadership. The award recognizes individuals and organizations that have demonstrated excellence in leadership through deep local understanding and outstanding initiative. The awards are designed to advance community-driven, innovative and sustainable solutions to critical issues facing KZN in particular. Traditional leaders, spiritual leaders and community organizers are all eligible for this award.

KZN Ambassadors

This award aims to shine a spotlight on a KZN woman whose excellence, talent and ability have directly impacted on raising the visibility and profile of KZN in 2019 outside the borders of the province. She has to be an individual that has made outstanding contributions to enhance KZN’s image as a leading global city, creative hub and international tourist destination.

NB: The below category is not open to the public

Mama Winnie Mandela Award

This is the grand award that will be awarded to the winner of winners (i.e. out of the winners of the Ten Categories). The criteria are set to honour the legacy of Mama Albertina Sisulu whose legendary legacy is that of a courageous woman who rose above stigma and cared little for negative and discouraging social opinion, a strong leader who embraced collective leadership, an ambitious mother who gave direction and protection to her children, a powerful figure who inspired Africa’s greatest military strategist.

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