Angie Motsekga
Ungqongqoshe wezemfundo eyisisekelo, uAngie Motshekga, uthi zonke izinkomba ziveza ukuthi zizovulwa izikole ngenyanga ezayo. uMotshekga ubethulela abezindaba izinhlelo zomnyango wakhe zokuqinisekisa ukuthi zonke izinsiza zokuphepha zizobe zihlinzekiwe ezikoleni. Sekuphele izinyanga ezimbili selokhu izikole zavalwa, ngenxa yemizamo kahulumeni yokunqanda ukubhebhetheka kwe-Coronavirus. uMotshekga uthi ikomidi elibhekelele ukusabalala kwaleligciwane selivumelene ukuthi izikole zivulwe ekuqaleni kwenyanga ezayo. Listen here: […]
Equal Education together with Equal Education Law Centre and Section27 is hoping for a clear and comprehensive plan on the phased re-opening of schools. Basic Education minister, Angie Motshekga, is expected to brief the nation soon on the final dates for the re-opening of schools. Equal Education’s, Noncedo Madubedube, says the department is still required […]
There is still uncertainty on the way forward for the reopening of South African schools. Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, has met with education leaders and representative unions and will today outline the plans to the National Coronavirus Command Council. The CEO of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools, Paul Colditz,says […]