death toll
Usana obelunezinsuku ezimbili nje vo luzelwe selube ngumntwana wokuqala ngqa kuleli ukushona ngenxa yeCoronavirus. Lolusana obeluzalwe iskhathi singakafiki belunenkinga yamaphaphu ludinga nokuhlaliswa emshinini wokuphefumula. Umnyango wezempilo kuzwelonke uthi umama walomntwana kuthe uma ehlolwa kwatholakala ukuthi une coronavirus nengane nayo kwatholakala ukuthi inayo. Kumanje isbalo sabantu bakuleli asebenaleligciwane sesinyukele ku 18 003 kanti esabashonile sona sesinyukele […]
South Africa has been hit by 26 more Covid-19 deaths. The Health Department says the virus’ total known death toll now stands at 312. The Northern Cape has reported its first death. The number of confirmed cases shot up yesterday by 767, taking the total to 17 200. Close to 8 000 patients have recovered. […]