By: Lethiwe Mdluli Only 16.6 % of the over 1500 voting districts in the country have completely finished counting so far, and over 2 million votes have been counted so far. Results have been trickling in overnight, and current data shows that the ANC is enjoying an early lead nationally. The IEC’s latest update shows […]
By: Siyabonga Motha IEC officials say they are ready to receive results once counting starts when voting closes at 9PM this evening. Speaking from the Commission’s Results Operations Center in Pretoria, IEC CEO, Sy Mamabolo, has reiterated his fierce warning to those hoping to disturb progress at result centers. Listen Below: https://iono.fm/e/685697
By: Gagasi FM News South Africa’s sixth general election kicked off today as the nation marked 25 years of democracy. It was not a smooth run as anticipated since some provinces faced a number of glitches ranging from protests, voting stations opening late, faulty ID scanners and potential voters refusing to cast their ballot. Listen […]
By: Zilungile Mkhize Protests have marred Election Day in a few places in KZN and parts of the country. In a village outside Bergville in northern KZN, police used teargas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters who blocked all entrances with rocks and burning tyres. They say they will not vote because several promises made […]
By: Lindelani Mbatha Izakhamuzi zakuleli eThekwini zithi emva kokhetho zilindele ukuthi uhulumeni omusha adale amathuba emisebenzi, aphinde athuthukise izindawo zasemakhaya. Lezizakhamuzi bezikhuluma nabezindaba zeGagasiFM njengoba namhlanje izinkumbi zabantu kulindeleke ukuthi zivote ezikhungweni ezahlukene kulesifundazwe. Izikhungo zokuvota zizolokhu zivuliwe, kuze kuyoshaya u9 kusihlwa. Lezizakhamuzi zithi imfundo yamahhala yiyo okumele ibe seqhulwini. Listen below: https://iono.fm/e/685654
By: Lethiwe Mdluli and Lindelani Mbatha Oyiskhulu esiphezulu kwa IEC, uSy Mamabolo, uthi abantu kumele baqinisekise ukuthi iEnvelope abazofaka kuyo iphepha lokuvota inesitembu. iIEC kuyimanje ibambe isithangami sabezindaba eGoli, lapho uMamabolo esechaze khona ukubaluleka kokuthola isitembu. Phambilini kubekhona imibiko ekuthi khona amaEnvelope angenazo izitembu. Uthi abantu kumele baqikelele ukuthi isitembu sikhona ngemuva kokungena kwibhokisi lokuvota […]
By: Zilungile Mkhize Police Minister, Bheki Cele, says security forces are already taking charge in the volatile areas to eliminate the risks on voting day. Cele has outlined a massive deployment of state security machinery and officers, particularly to KwaZulu Natal and North West. He says these two provinces have been identified as hotspots ahead […]
By: Zilungile Mkhize Njengoba sekusele izinsuku ezingu 22 kuphela kuyiwe okhethweni lukazwelonke nolwezifundazwe, sekucace bha ukuthi alikho iqembu elizithele ngabandayo. I-ANC ibithe chithisaka eWestern Cape, eGauteng nase Eastern Cape, lapho abaholi bayo bebekhankasa khona. Umengameli weANC uCyril Ramaphosa uthi udaba lwezindlu lubaluleke kakhulu kubo. https://iono.fm/e/676831 Kanti umholi weNkatha Freedom Party, uMtwana uMangosuthu Buthelezi, uthathe umkhankaso […]
By: Lindelani Mbatha Inkatha Freedom Party Campaigns Committee Chairperson, Narend Singh, says they are concerned about the massage allegedly being circulated by the DA, instructing voters not to vote for smaller parties in the province. Singh has been briefing media on the IFPs state of readiness ahead of the May 8 polls, at the party’s […]
By: Lethiwe Mdluli The Independent Electoral Commission, has dismissed all but one of the 52 objections it received involving 10 parties. Briefing media this morning in Gauteng, the IEC says all the parties have denied all the objections. The ruling party received 29 objections, with the BLF following with 19, the EFF received 13 and […]
By: Lethiwe Mdluli Ikhomishana eyengamele ukhetho, iIEC, ithi isithole izikhalazo eziningi mayelana namagama amalunga amaqembu ezepolitiki asohlwini lwamagama alabo abazoba ngamalungu ephalamende. Oyisikhulu esiphezulu kwa IEC, uSy Mamabolo, uthi amaqembu athintekayo asazonikwa ithuba lokuthi aziphendulele ngalezikhalo. uMamabolo uthi bona basasalelwe izinsuku ezine ukuba bathathe isinqumo ngalezikhalazo ezingu53. “Siyi IEC sithole izikhalazo ezithinta amaqembu angu9, kanti […]
By: Sanelisiwe Dlangamandla The Right2Know campaign, says South Africans need to be critical when they use their media especially in an election period. The Independent Electoral Commission has partnered with Media Monitoring Africa and launched an online reporting platform, aimed at addressing the dissemination of false information ahead of next month’s elections. R2K’s, Mark Weinberg, […]