U-Motsoaledi Ugxeka Abaqashi Abangezwa Ngelabokufika
Written by Mfundo on 21 June, 2022
By: Sthulile Mdletshe
Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi says the most common problems that continue to exist in the freight industry are caused by employers who still refuse to follow the law.
After a week of Truck drivers protesting for truck companies to employ South Africans, the Road and Freight Inter-Ministerial Committee, has drafted an Action Plan to tackle the challenges faced by the trucking industry.
Last week truck drivers blocked major routes calling on government to prioritise employing South Africans that don’t require specialised skills as drivers.
Motsoaledi says hiring illegal immigrants into positions that require no special skill remains illegal and the employment laws of the country cannot protect them.
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