
Despite the global plight of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) that is seeing the increase of infections daily in South Africa, citizens have been urged to be cautious and practise all the cautionary steps to help stop the spread of the virus. Despite our current situation business must still go on and hard work must still be […]

  By: Zilungile Mkhize Owayeyisikhulu esiphezulu kwa South African Airways, uDudu Myeni, uthi izinkinga eziningi abhekene nazo njengamanje nenkantolo zadalwa ukuthi waphumela obala ngenkohlakalo kwa SAA. UMyeni usho kanjena ekhuluma ohlelweni lweGagasiFM Indaba. uMyeni akazange avele enkantolo enkulu eGoli ukuyobhekana necala alivulelwe inhlangano iOuta kanye ne SAA Pilots Association, mayelana nobuholi bakhe kwa SAA. Uthi […]

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